TCD 914M
These are the characteristics of the TCD 914M
Air-cooled 6-cylinder engine for auxiliary drives with turbocharging and charge-air cooling.
Due to the air cooling, the integration of the engine into the classic engine-cool- ing version of marine engines is omitted. Installation of the unit onto the deck is possible.
The very compact engine design and the flexibility of the positioning of the unit reduce the installation costs.
Low fuel consumption, low maintenance costs and long life reduce the running costs.
DEUTZ marine engines are developed especially for the requirements of marine applications and meet the requirements of the classification societies. Type Approvals of the IACS classes1) and other classes are available on re- quest.
The robust engine design allows worldwide operation even with high sulphur fuels.
Technical specification
Køling | Luft |
Cylindre | 6 |
kW | 65 - 137 |
hp | 87 - 184 |
Emissionsnormer | |
Datablad | PDF » |
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